Next, we compared the early pandemic months to that of the 2 years prior (March to May 20 vs. January to February 2020) to evaluate trends that were independent of the pandemic. First, we compared the two periods before the pandemic (January to February 20 vs. To simplify our analyses, we considered the months January and February 2020 as prepandemic and March through May 2020 as early pandemic. Following institutional review board approval, we abstracted data for all patients injured between January 1 and May 31 for the years 2018, 2019, and 2020. This study followed the Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology reporting guideline. We conducted a retrospective multicenter cohort study of NYC's public health care system, NYC H + H. We hypothesized that trauma visits and, subsequently, the trauma mortality rate would decrease overall during the early stages of the pandemic as compared with previous years in the same period.

During the NYC spring 2020 lockdown, the assumption was that there were less people outside of their homes and, therefore, less opportunity for serious injury. The purpose of this study is to examine how the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic affected NYC's municipal trauma system.
#Nyc officials confirm second lockdown by august 1st how to#
10– 12 The NYC experience, however, provides a unique perspective on how the COVID pandemic affected a regional multicenter trauma system, in particular, early in the pandemic and as the first US epicenter when little was known on how to treat or mitigate COVID-related mortality and complications. These studies are primarily single center experiences and have been arguably deficient in certain details such as mortality and the direct effect of COVID infection on the patient cohort. There have been several published studies describing the impact of the COVID pandemic on trauma care. 1, ) spread across four of the City's five boroughs (Bronx, Queens, Manhattan, and Brooklyn) with coordinated leadership. 9 New York City's Health and Hospitals Corporation's trauma system consists of five distinct and functionally independent American College of Surgeons (ACS)–verified level 1 trauma centers (Supplemental Digital Content, Supplementary Fig. New York City's Health and Hospitals Corporation (NYC H + H) is the largest municipal health care system in the United States and serves as the safety net for more than 1 million patients every year. 6 This mandate remained in place until June 8, 2020, when the State and City governments agreed to begin stepwise reopening of NYC.

Similar to other states and countries, this “stay-at-home” mandate ordered the closure of all nonessential businesses and enacted social distancing. 2 To mitigate the spread of the virus, the New York State Governor's office issued the “New York State on PAUSE” executive order on March 22, 2020. 4, 5 More than 200,000 laboratory-confirmed cases were reported in NYC within the short 2-month period that followed, more than any other city in the world. 2, 3 By the time the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a worldwide pandemic about a week later, NYC already had more than 200 reported COVID-19 cases and several related deaths. 1 During the early spring of 2020, New York City (NYC) became the US epicenter for COVID-19 with the first confirmed case in the city reported on February 29, 2020. In the final days of 2019, the novel severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) virus emerged out of Wuhan, China and rapidly reached every corner of the globe.